Information has emerged from a Game Informer preview of Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, revealing that the prequel retail release to the main Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain campaign can be finished in less than two hours.
This figure doesn’t include any of the side missions of extra modes but it does highlight the brevity of Konami’s $40 release, containing just a single main mission to work through ahead of the proper sequel’s release…
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima said earlier this month that the prequel game serves as a tutorial of sorts of the main game and is relatively tiny in comparison, with the main game promised to be “hundreds of times larger.” The size of this mission sounds very similar to Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty’s opening boat segment, that was given away free as a demo for those who picked up a copy of Zone of Enders.
Game Informer said "Judged just by the core story mission, Ground Zeroes is short, we completed it in just less than two hours. We had four hours of exclusive hands-on time with Ground Zeroes, which we used to play through the main mission and experiment with extra modes.” This means that for those purchasing boxed copies for either the Xbox One or Playstation 4 will be forking out $20 for every hour of the main mission's gameplay.
It sounds remarkably like Konami have split off a completed portion of Metal Gear Solid V in order to charge nearly twice as much as the full experience normally would have. I remember a single cutscene in Metal Gear Solid 4 approaching close to two hours by itself, so in MGS terms this is looking to be a very short experience.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is scheduled to arrive for PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360 on March 18th.
Do you think that two hours is too short for a full retail game?
Is this just a shallow tactic for Konami to sell the same game twice?
Let us know below!
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