12 May 2014

Five Games Releasing In May To Play On Integrated Graphics

Have you played Daylight with any integrated graphics GFX solutions? How is it running for you? Let me know in the comments!

The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing II

If you love a bit of good, old fashioned, monster-clicking ARPG fun, chances are you may have played the first outing of The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing when it launched last May. Now round two is about to hit PC, and like its predecessor, it fully supports integrated graphics. It specifies Intel HD 4000 as minimum, but if the game is as well optimised as its predecessor (which ran on Intel HD 3000 smoothly on low settings) those with lower-end rigs should find this game more than playable. Check out my beta preview impressions for more information on The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing.

Tropico 5

El Presidente is back for a fifth instalment of island-sim Tropico, and the Kalypso Media title is easy on the graphics. Tropico 5 - which allows players to travel through time and watch your island develop from the 19th century to the near future - has Intel HD 4000 listed as minimum requirements, so this or anything more powerful should run. Depending on Tropico 5's optimisation, it should be able to run pretty decently on laptop versions of this GFX with lower settings, too.


Supergiant’s 2011 Bastion is arguably one of the greatest indie ARPGs ever made, combining beautiful visuals and mindblowing soundtrack with brilliantly fun gameplay. The California-based studio is just about to release its second title - Transistor - and the great news is that the game should happily run on integrated graphics. It specifies Intel HD 3000 as minimum, so anyone with this solution or better should be able to dive in to the enchanting world of Red and her time-bending sword come May 21st.

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition packs a vast amount of new content in for its release this May, and the latest iteration of the long-running action series is easy on the system, too. Although - unlike the other titles on this list - it doesn't specify Intel graphics requirements, the minimum settings ask for a GeForce 8600 GT, over which Intel HD 4000 graphics should have a slight edge assuming the rest of your rig is up to task.

Of course, there's always a whole host of indie games around that will run on lower settings. My personal indie hype for the month is Always Sometimes Monsters, a little 8-bit open world that I've had my eye on for a while.

Which games are you most hyped for this month? What will you be playing on integrated graphics in May?

Tell me your thoughts in the discussion area.

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